In New York

In New York

Friday, 29 October 2010

It's all go here...

We are slap bang in the middle of the Works to the house and it's bad timing but that couldn't be helped. This past week has seen the noisiest, messiest, dustiest part and here I am stuck at home recuperating after my surgery last Friday. However, I don't mean to complain because there's a lot to be thankful for. I've had Maura here all week and she has looked after us all and helped to clear and pack stuff away and been available to assist with decision making about tiles/colours etc. Whilst I've been laid up she's been the contact point between the guys on the job and me, when Roch's been unavailable. To do this she's been up early every day so I can rest up and she can be on hand when they arrive for work in the morning. A Pearl beyond price.

And then there's Tony. He is running the Job. I think I mentioned him before - Roch's cousin. We have absolute confidence in him and it is such a relief to leave this business in his very capable hands. He could not do more for us. I do not exaggerate. He anticipates almost every need and is usually on hand with a solution. He is trying to make sure this whole process is as stress free as possible, given the unavoidable levels of disruption entailed in having your kitchen ripped out and replaced with a shower room, a wall built to make a separate area for a bedroom downstairs, a completely new kitchen and boiler fitted...and that's just what they've doing so far. There are other jobs to follow, including making both front and back entrances wheelchair accessible and adjusting the floor levels - hallway through to wet room. I could go on.
But Tony's not just a decent person who totally knows his job. He's also very good company and it's a pleasure to spend time with him. So like I say, a lot to be thankful for.

I'm surprised and a bit disappointed that I am still feeling crap myself. Tired and weak and really not up to things. You know that feeling where you stand up and immediately feel you want to sit down again? Well, that's it. I'm told the procedure went very well, no complications - so that's a relief. Bit of a scary moment when they were explaining the possible risks beforehand. A pleasant female surgeon from Colombia reeled them off in an attractive, musical accent, ending each sentence with a question in her voice - "So - we could puncture your bladder? Maybe your bowel? Cause a haemorrhage?" She almost made it sound like she was offering a choice of medical errors. Of course I knew the risk was minimal but for a tiny instant fear had me picturing myself running barefoot across the car park, hospital gown flapping open behind me, making my escape...

All the surgical and nursing staff were very good to me and nothing got punctured, except possibly my pride (very difficult to maintain one's dignity in a hospital gown, I find) as James, an extremely cheery and obliging health professional, did up the ties at the back for me after the surgery and assisted me as I made my wobbly way to the toilet. Thank you James.

Through it all I am acutely aware of Roch, struggling up the stairs more, slowing down a lot I think but soldiering on as usual. He's pleased with the way The Works are going - more than pleased -delighted - but it's hard for him when I'm out of action. It's hard for me too. Of course I'm kind of used to feeling a bit weak and having to recover strength after migraines, but Roch has never had that. He's always been the strong one, physically. It's new for him to have to rest after finding that he's done too much. It's like giving in for him. Although he did remark yesterday that one of the good things about MND is that lovely moment when he's b*****ed, when he finally gets to lie down in bed. I was glad to hear this positive thought but may have spoilt the moment somewhat, as my honest response was 'Roch, there's nothing good about MND'. He kindly conceded that as an MND spouse, I was entitled to this view.

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