2014 has seen the introduction of the nippy at night. From
my point of view, it’s pretty noisy but I’ve managed to sleep pretty well most
nights so far, thanks for asking! Poor Roch dreaded having it on at night. He didn’t keep it on all night at first,
bearing it up to 4am or 5am, when he would ask me to remove it. Last night we
tried something different, as I had had a migraine and needed a good night’s
sleep to see it off completely. Kate and I set the nippy up on the hospital
table over the bed within easy reach. Roch made sure he could press the button
to turn it off – he can take the mask off by himself. Armed with Kindle,
I-Phone, I-Pad and environmental control I-Phone, we left him alone. Kate was
on call but Roch slept right through until 7.30am, nippy on. He reports that
although he still felt tired, his mood was better during the day. Time will
tell. The important thing is for him to get used to having it on at night. I
slept like a baby upstairs. We are going to try the same thing tonight, as I
have an early start for work tomorrow, but then I’ll go back to the marital bed
and see if I can sleep through when he doesn’t need the mask to be removed
during the night.
That bed has been moved downstairs, raised, shifted into a
different position in the room, had a bedrail and extra mattress added (after
several different types were trialled) with the addition of a sliding sheet –
we are trying everything to hang onto it for as long as we can. The monkey has
so far failed to dislodge me, although I now occupy a smaller space due to the
smaller extra mattress on top of our own mattress and frequently wake up to
find myself sliding out onto the floor!
So, 2014 – who would have thought we’d make it this far? So
many milestones have been passed, so many losses mourned since June 2009. We
don’t have a date yet for the PEG operation but I’ll keep you posted.
As time goes on I find I am less accepting of what has happened
to Roch and feeling angrier. Less tolerant and more impatient with people who
really don’t ‘get it’. More fragile, but more empathic to other people’s
suffering and loss. I find it more difficult to come to the blog page and
guiltier about my absence.
I thought I would share with you an unedited extract from my
daily writing journal (unedited apart from insert in bold) – a peek into the stuff that doesn't make it into the blog. But maybe it should.
As Hemingway said, "Write hard and fast about what hurts."
“Why do I half do
things? And spend so much time on stuff that doesn’t matter? Or well now maybe
it matters to me. Here I am trying, trying to get some stuff out of my head and
down on the page so that ‘ideas flood in’. Have spent so much time reading
about writing, too much time on twitter today – my eyes hurt. How to motivate
myself and get through writer’s block; I could – let’s see, clear the clutter,
go for a walk, have a shower (I need one), put on some lipstick, make a big pot
of tea and pretend to be Virgina Woolf or Ernest Hemingway and write (actually that’s great advice courtesy of @LauraPepWu
and I intend to follow it). If it was
Ernest Hemingway it would probably be more like a bottle of whiskey, but I get
the idea. Am I wasting time up here while Roch is downstairs with Jenny to look
after him? Probably should have been trying to write hours ago. I need some
space in my head! Of course now I haven’t eaten too much in the past two days
so my digestive system will be out of kilter. Moan groan shout roar scream kick
up and make merry hell. Feeling like shouting or destroying something, smashing
a plate or yelling at the top of my voice. I’m such a good girl, always doing
the right thing, in control of myself. What would it feel like to let go? Lamp
someone, (see, I like the word but I wouldn’t want to actually hurt anyone
deliberately – why? Because there would be consequences? Or because I wouldn’t
actually want to hurt anyone? Hmm…)
Knuckles connecting
with bone and flesh – crrrunch!! Beat the monkey to death maybe – there’s a
fantasy worth having. Fur and blood flying, sticking to the surface of the
wooden bat. Fucking monkey, taking my life away (and Roch’s of course). Fed up
trying to list all the things in my life to be grateful for – that’s what
they tell you to do. I know there are so many things to be grateful for but such
a lot sucks! I am allowed to rail against it!! Now, if I could blog every day
for 15 minutes – would that help? That couldn’t be too hard, right? HA! HA HA
say. Me, your inner voice of truth and despair. Listen and weep. For you will
never amount to anything in this world --------------Oh shut the fuck up I’ll
give it a try.”
Fifteen minutes every day, it can’t be that hard, can it?