In New York

In New York

Thursday 29 April 2010

Enter the Dragon

So yesterday we had a 'site meeting' at the house. Very interesting. Occupational Therapist and Architect and Roch and me. They looked over the plans for the works to the house and the OT told us what would be necessary and the Architect thought about how that could be done. Just one word about the Architect, Chris. He's a star. That's all I'll say. I don't want to embarrass the lad, so I'll say no more.

It's kind of hard to contemplate the changes to the house. Roch is very stoic about it all. When we're discussing options and they're asking whether we want certain features to be permanent - such as ramps, or customising the kitchen, he is firm about making it as easy as possible to return the house to a kind of normality 'afterwards'. It's not easy to hear. I could see it was difficult for him.

It's going to be so disruptive and it will be difficult for the kids. But it has to be done and it has to be done soon. Watch this space for developments.

Good news re: Dragon technology and Ability Net. Someone came yesterday from Ability Net to set up and start the training for Roch. It's good. Actually, it's bloody brilliant. (Voice activated software). Heartfelt thanks to the MND Association. Interesting that the software won't recognise the word 'Roch'. It really can't get it's head round it! Many humans have the same problem...

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